In this session, we learnt how important it is for us, potential future teachers, to choose the right book to teach English.
Well, I must admit I
agree with this point but I found this subject a bit boring and it is also rather subjective and personal.
Although it is good to
know from the teacher’s point of view what the requirements are to take into
account when choosing an English text book to the extent that if we choose the
wrong text we risk having future problems teaching the subject and not comply
with the law and the government’s requirements.
One of the students
suggested not to use a textbook, which I also support in some way.
However, not using a
textbook implies the following consequences:
It is time consuming as
preparing and looking for all the material that is required can take a great
amount of time. Moreover, if you decide to compile your own information for
your class, it needs to be approved by “Conselleria”.
Conselleria is the
autonomous organism in charge of education in the Valencian
You will not be able to
use it, in legal terms, if this learning material is not approved by
Conselleria beforehand.
Having said this I think
it is a creative and great idea but hard to implement.
I also think that
choosing a textbook does not only depend on the quality of the book in itself
but also on other intangible aspects like:
· Customer
care received from the book’s publishing company.
· Commercial
gestures obtained from the purchase of books, as once chosen the book we
are likely to continue with the same publishing company for the next four years.
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